Reduction of urination

If the amount of daily urine decreases sharply, then most often the causes of such a violation are hidden in the following conditions and diseases:

insufficient water intake;

dehydration as a result of prolonged diarrhea;

kidney diseases;

swelling of soft tissues;



Deviations of the defecation process

Normally, stools can be observed from 2 times a day to 1 time every 3 days, provided that you feel well. Pathology is any deviation from the individual mode of bowel emptying.

A decrease in the process in which the act […]

Pathological causes

Increased urinary excretion can provoke various pathologies:

Diseases of the urinary system. Most often, infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the urinary system become the culprits. Increased urination may be caused by:





Endocrine diseases. Insufficient or excessive production of certain hormones may be accompanied by increased urge. This is usually observed when:

hyperaldosteronism (excessive synthesis of the hormone aldosterone by the adrenal glands);

diabetes insipidus;

hyperparathyroidism (increased production of parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands).

Gynecological diseases. The urinary system is closely related to the reproductive […]

The rate of bowel emptying

During defecation, harmful components are eliminated from the digestive tract. If bowel emptying does not occur in a timely manner, the poisons and toxins accumulated in the feces begin to poison the entire body. Therefore, it is important to control the process of defecation, to know how often it is recommended to go to the toilet, to understand the indicators of the norm and deviations of this process.

Adults usually empty their intestines 1-2 times a day. The process of defecation […]

Trips to the toilet: norms and deviations

The human body is a complex mechanism that functions according to its own regime. Some people feel the urge to urinate 4-5 times a day. Others rush to the toilet every 2-3 hours. For some, the daily morning stool is considered the norm. Others – empty the intestines twice a day or once every 2 days. What is considered the norm and what is considered a deviation? What pathologies can there be an increase or decrease in urination and defecation? […]

Reducing blood glucose levels: 5 important foods

19.3% of Russians have elevated blood glucose levels, but not so high as to meet the criteria for diabetes mellitus[1]. Experts call this condition prediabetes. It is characteristic of a complex of metabolic disorders — the so-called metabolic syndrome, and is often accompanied by the accumulation of excess weight in the waist area, an increase in blood cholesterol and blood pressure[2].

The development of these disorders is based on insulin resistance, a condition in which the body tissues develop immunity to […]

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, adenoma)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (also prostate adenoma) is a benign neoplasm formed from glandular or stromal cells of the prostate gland.

The prostate, which is increasing in size, is able to squeeze the urinary tract over time, which is why patients have a progressive violation of urination, which does not respond to drug therapy.

The most effective way to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia is surgery. In the case of a neglected process, they usually resort to the removal of the prostate […]

Outpatient Cataract surgery

Microsurgical care for all types of cataracts:




In the course of operations, premium elastic intraocular lenses of leading world manufacturers are implanted, proven by world practice and having advantages even over the human lens:




Lenses allow patients to see well at long distances (near, medium distances and far) and reduce or eliminate the need to wear glasses after implantation. Visual acuity is restored already the next day after the operation.

The operation is performed delicately and painlessly, without damaging sensitive intraocular structures and […]

To hear such a diagnosis from a doctor is always scary

But do not lose heart: modern medicine manages to cure almost 90% of oncological diseases in the early stages.

In the Tyumen medical cluster Medical City, the practice of successful treatment of malignant neoplasms has existed for many years. In the fight against cancer, highly qualified oncologists are assisted by gentle, but effective methods of treatment and modern equipment.

The key to effective therapy is accurate diagnosis and an individual treatment protocol.

Such a protocol is drawn up by a consultation of oncologists […]

Oncologist’s consultation: why and who needs it?


Scintigraphy is a method of radionuclide diagnostics that allows detecting functional changes in the human body at the initial stages of their development During the procedure, a substance containing radioactive isotopes is injected into the patient’s vein, which, thanks to the blood flow, quickly reach the desired internal organ or system. After about half an hour, they take a series of pictures using a gamma camera that captures radioactive radiation.

The information from the study is processed using a computer program. […]

When to go to an appointment with an oncologist?

An oncologist is a specialist who studies the causes of the occurrence and development of benign and malignant tumor formations. The oncologist’s competence includes diagnosis (including accurate differentiation), treatment of tumors, as well as the study of the possibilities of converting benign tumors into malignant ones.

Oncological diseases can affect all organs and tissues of the human body. They are localized initially in any one organ, but over time they spread and penetrate into any system, including the circulatory, lymphatic, and […]